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Zinc has been serving the Texas for two decades, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 6. Industry Knowledge

6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 6. Industry Knowledge

While most businesses need the same basic technology to support their operations, some industries have additional, more specific needs that require a more specialized tool to accomplish. As we leave this series behind, let’s briefly consider how a managed service provider can be a valuable resource for a business operating in one of these industries.

Businesses are Specializing More Than Ever

For various reasons, many businesses are becoming more specialized in what they offer - and, as they have done so, the technology they require has become more specific as well.

Of course, technology requirements have always reflected how the industry itself functions. For instance, the average retail store needs inventory management software, point-of-sale equipment, and basic human resource solutions, while a corporate accounting office will need their own specialized software in order to function. Medical providers need patient management solutions, while a manufacturer will likely need 3D CAD software and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

Software is certainly the easiest example of this to find, but the same can be said of certain industries and their complete approach to using technology. Consider the healthcare industry - there are numerous regulations and compliance requirements that practices and providers need to adhere to for the security of their patients’ information. Construction companies and others need their technology to be very mobile-friendly, and reliable enough to perform in conditions that aren’t very similar to that of the average office.

As a result, it has become important that support is available for more than just the traditional office technology needs. A provider needs to be able to account for a business’ practical use of the technology that is put into place.

This is Something Managed Service Providers Do

Not only are our technicians skilled at maintaining your solutions and helping you to remain productive, they understand that each business may not use their technology in the same way as the next.

At Zinc, we make sure that our team is prepared to address how your team works with its tools, and to provide the kind of support that your circumstances need. Our staff is encouraged to continue developing their proficiencies and learn more about what each industry requires of its technology.

If you’re interested in our services, and want to find out what we would use to improve your operations, please don’t hesitate to give my team a call at (713) 979-2090. You can also explore the rest of our website to learn more about our services. If you have any more questions, feel free to also leave them in the comments!

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