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Zinc has been serving the Texas for two decades, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Get Yourself an IT Help Desk

Get Yourself an IT Help Desk

How much does your business rely on technology? Chances are that there is at least one solution your business can’t get by without--and where there is a technology solution, you can bet there will be users who need help with it. We’ll discuss how a help desk solution can help your business avoid downtime and general technology problems.

The problem that many businesses run into is that they need the assistance but can’t afford to hire the help needed for their internal help desk. Outsourcing a help desk can provide the same benefits at a fraction of the costs associated with hiring new employees. Here are some of the major benefits that a help desk solution can offer for your business.

Help Desk Support Can Minimize Downtime
Imagine a situation when your business’ employees keep running into problems with their technology. If they don’t know who to reach out to, they will continue to suffer from issues that keep them from getting work done. Any time when work isn’t being completed as it’s supposed to be can be considered downtime, regardless of the reason, and it’s expensive. If you have someone your employees can reach out to for assistance with their technology, you can minimize the amount of downtime. This keeps time wasted to a minimum while boosting productivity.

Help Desk Support Can Provide a Single Point of Contact
Of course, if you give your employees a list of numbers to call for help with their technology, they will look at it and wonder why it can’t just be a single extension or email address. Businesses that work with several vendors will have countless points of contact that can downright confuse most employees who don’t manage all of it as part of their daily duties. You can make it easy to get technology help by giving them one number to call for the help desk, or an email address/ticketing system that will give them a way to report problems and receive support as needed.

Help Desk Support Can Augment Your In-House IT
What happens if your internal IT department is so bogged down with requests for help that they can’t get to all of their other responsibilities? Software will fail to be patched properly, hardware might not be implemented on time, and your organization’s devices might be put at risk - all because you don’t have a help desk for your employees to contact for all of their simple questions. You can implement a remote help desk solution to share this burden with your IT department, so they have time to actually do their jobs.

Don’t let technology problems hold your employees back from getting their work done. To learn more about how your organization can implement a help desk solution, reach out to Zinc at (713) 979-2090.

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