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How Sports Have Gotten Smarter

How Sports Have Gotten Smarter

Athletics are a time-honored tradition, both for athletes and spectators. As time has passed, these bouts of physical skill and prowess have gradually adopted some technological aspects to improve the experience of the game for all. Now, smart technology has a key position on almost any playing field. Let’s review some of the ways that sports have improved through the adoption of technology.

The IoT is the MVP
As one may imagine, the Internet of Things plays a huge role in sports and athletics. There are a variety of tasks that are made more effective and efficient through the use of connected devices, each serving a crucial purpose for the athlete. With the IoT in their wheelhouse, an athlete can collect their own data and communicate it with their support team - from their heart rate to their performance to their nutritional intake.

Using this data, the support team can deduce how the athlete’s training should continue and devise a plan to optimize its efficacy for maximum benefit and wellness.

The IoT can even be used to adjust any equipment an athlete may use to ensure that it is best suited to their performance, from the uniform they wear to the implements that their chosen sport requires. By taking detailed and comprehensive measurements of the athlete’s proportions and motions, the IoT can be used to help customize their equipment to match their needs.

As a result, athletes who use the IoT are well prepared to train hard in preparation of their competitions, leading to a better experience for both the athlete and the spectators. Speaking of whom…

Improving the Stadium Experience for Fans
Of course, sports teams are concerned with more than just training athletes to win games. They are also committed to filling the seats with paying customers to watch these athletes win the games they’ve trained for. In order to accomplish this, the IoT has also been heavily leveraged to boost the spectator’s experience while inside many professional stadiums.

Stadiums equipped with smart capabilities can inform fans of how long they would have to wait in line to use the bathroom, or to buy their peanuts and Cracker Jack. Monitored parking availability adds another aspect of convenience for the attending fan.

Of course, the IoT is also leveraged to assist with other crucial matters in a densely populated area - especially security. By augmenting the efforts of their security staff with a system of surveillance cameras, stadiums are made much safer than otherwise. Furthermore, the Internet of Things has even contributed to maintaining a cleaner stadium, with bathrooms automatically signaling maintenance after a certain number of visitors.

Where Will the IoT Be Spotted Next?
This has just been a very brief sampling describing how the IoT is increasingly important to athletica and professional sports. What other applications of the IoT can you think of that we experience every day? Let us know in the comments!

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